
HUBER Solutions for Industries

Ralph Teckenberg, Geschäftsbereichsleiter Industrie
Ralph Teckenberg, Geschäftsbereichsleiter Industrie

You, our industrial customer, are generating your profits by manufacturing and selling products, or by generating energy, e.g. from biomass. Treatment of the  by-products wastewater and sludge is not part of your “core business”. But you know that protection of our environment must be a part of your holistic corporate philosophy.

You are looking for a partner who, in cooperation with you, develops and implements economical solutions for your wastewater treatment and waste disposal.
We understand !

HUBER SE is one of very few companies worldwide offering not only a complete range of process technologies for the treatment of wastewater and process water, but also for sludge treatment. We have  the capability to design complete process chains by combining and integrating various HUBER products, in other words: we offer comlete solutions and, of course, we take responsibility for their function.

However, waste-water treatment alone is not enough. The next step is: Closing the Loop!  Generation of high-quality process water for your production from treated wastewater allows you to save freshwater costs and wastewater fees.

Do not overlook any material flow - not even your sludge! Sludge treatment and reuse is an aspect that must be taken into consideration for all holistic solutions. Inexpensive waste disposal and, where possible, energy recovery from waste are our objectives.

You see, there are many possibilies how we can turn your "expensive wastewater project" into a cost saving water and waste recycling project.

Our team includes several industry sector experts who gained their experience from successful project work. They will be happy to share  their knowledge and experience with you.

Let us help you to develop your project!
Ralph Teckenberg
Head of HUBER Business Unit Industry