HUBER solar sludge drying system with sludge feeding and removal on the same gable end – the feed comes back as dry sludge
HUBER SE has continued the success story of its solar sludge drying system in 2014. Like on many other sites, whether in Europe or overseas, the SRT system convinced also the customer at Bayreuth in Bavaria and was the winner of the tender competition.
The decisive point in favour of the HUBER SRT was that its concept ensured clever use of the scarce space on site. Feeding of the press/wet sludge and removal of the dry granulate takes place on the same gable end of the greenhouse. This allows to realize a sludge treatment solution with compact installation of all plant equipment in one place. Such a solution also minimises space demand and soil sealing. Furthermore, it is not necessary to build roads and turning round areas.
The SRT system with its 'one-way-road' design is also the winner of the tender for the project Lomianki in Poland near Warsaw. This project comprises of two SRT 11 drying lines on an area of approx. 2,000 m², while five drying lines of size SRT 11 are installed at Bayreuth on an area of nearly 7,000 m².
Already several years ago HUBER SE successfully tested sludge feeding and removal at the same gable end with the SRT sludge turner. The concept was for the first time implemented in 2008, on STW Marktbergel. The double-shovel sludge turner transports the sludge through the greenhouse while the sludge is drying. Pasty, biologically active press cake becomes a stable grainy product. The fully automatic climate control system developed by HUBER ensures the optimal use of solar energy and maximises water evaporation.
The dry material is generated on the greenhouse end opposite to where the wet sludge is fed. Due to its special design the HUBER SRT sludge turner is able to take the dry sludge into one of its two shovels and transport it back. The shovels are mounted on a special stainless steel half shell, the so-called 'half-pipe'. The dry grainy product is transported back inside the shovel in a 'piggypack' manner.
At Lomianki the dry sludge, the volume of which has been reduced to a minimum by drying, falls into a storage bunker from where it can be loaded onto a truck, whereby the 'storage bunker' is actually just a height difference in the drying surface.
On the site in Bayreuth the dry material falls into a screw shaft and is removed automatically. Also material discharge is automated. Truck loading times can be minimised to 30 minutes.
We are sure the success of the SRT will continue also in 2015. Customers around the world are interested in sustainable, economic and easy technical solutions that are able to make their sewage sludge 'waste' a valuable resource.