Rozwiązania HUBER dla zbiorniki wód deszczowych

We offer two HUBER screens for storm tank overflows: Our ROTAMAT® Storm Screen RoK 1 is installed on the rear side of overflow weirs, while our Inverted Upward Flow Storm Screen RoK 2 is installed on their front side. Both screens are provided with semi-circular perforated plates that are cleaned with screws and brushes. We also supply measuring weirs for Flow Monitoring and special flow restrictors and gates for Flow Control.

As further equipment for storm tanks we also supply various stainless steel components, such as Ladders, Step Irons, Guardrails and Access Aids.

Koncepcja systemu

Koncepcja systemu

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Naciśnij na obrazek aby przejść do bardziej szczegółowego, interaktywnego widoku zawierającego dodatkowe informacje i odnośniki.



ROTAMAT® Storm Screen for stormwater discharges RoK 1
ROTAMAT® Storm Screen for stormwater discharges RoK 2

Przykłady wdrożeń
